People and Planet
In pursuit of a lifestyle that boldly cares for one’s health and environment, I ventured to the streets of NY. In Brooklyn, I discovered a co-existence between the people who strive for an open, caring lifestyle nestled beside the discarded consumerism of humanity piled on numerous street corners. I experienced, firsthand, the vast consumption empire that is the USA, and also realized there is a tremendous depth of people who care about humanity and the planet. Their unselfish actions and public-spirited behavior had a lasting impact on me. It reinforced the awareness that I am one of the inhabitants on the planet and how I too, would like to believe in this concept and strive to live the way they do.
Granted, economic development and consumption expansion are unavoidable attributes of a materialistic world, but within that, I found people whose character and life choices pursue select quality products and consume only what is prudent and necessary. I now know that the community I want to belong to is not so much a physical group, but rather connected emotionally through lifestyle choices. This principle of engaging in a conscious lifestyle choice exceeds values, cultural differences, concepts and exists through a bold connection to health and environment. After three years I returned to Tokyo hoping to introduce and expand this lifestyle through activities, products and services.